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Sarah Hill, Founder of Bobi Media, invites you to login to her feed for a while with unique guests known for their art, media, and entrepreneurial acumen.


As unserious as it can be while still being useful... each guest is handpicked by Sarah and the Bobi Media team as someone who we think can provide meaning, value, and entertainment to our audience. Many of the clients are present or former Bobi Media clients -- or involved in Sarah's life in some unique way. Most interviews are conducted in person in NYC, although special exceptions are made.


Episodes are not uploaded at a regular cadence, so subscribe. Previously Sarah Hill was the talent for the Facebook Live show on for the audience she built there. She interviewed famous authors like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Neil Degrasse Tyson and more. She is currently the publicist for the successful podcast, Clear + Vivid with Alan Alda. Together she and the team have worked on over 350 podcast episodes in the last six years. She is the Founder of Bobi Media.

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